Our Testimonials

“The journey I went through in this healing was the most emotional self healing event I have ever experienced. ”

Diagnosis: Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD), Anxiety

“I was a former first responder who had been diagnosed with PTSD. I spent years taking sleeping pills, anti anxiety pills and depression medication. The feeling of hopelessness overwhelmed me for many years. I was able to come off my sleeping pills when I began using cannabis before bed, I found it to be better then the sleeping pills how ever my normal life was still full of anxiety and depression.

It was late 2019 when I did my first full healing experience with Tara. 

The journey I went through in this healing was the most emotional self healing event I have ever experienced. The change is myself, relationships my well being changed so drastically in such a short period of time and being able to finally feel like myself again is something I have not felt in years. 

Words can not express my gratitude and love for what Tara was able to do for me. I will never be able to thank her enough and the wonderful gift she gave me.”

- Chad 

“I am relieved of this crises””

Diagnosis: “Suicide Headaches”/Cluster Headaches

“Since my Psilocybin Trip, alone I have not had any headaches. I Thank you, for relieving me of this crises”

”During my Trip on Wednesday I heard a voice that told me that I am doing well, that I am going to be cured but it was the only thing and I felt very quiet where the pain gives me”

“About an hour into the trip I somehow pinpointed exactly what had been hurting me on the inside.”

Diagnosis: Grief/Tragic Loss of a Sibling

“Going into the experience of using mushrooms to heal some issues I’d been dealing with some time came with skepticism.  However I was motivated by the excellent care and precision Tara brought to the experience. 

I was well prepared going in and was still unsure as to what to expect.  About an hour into the trip I somehow pinpointed exactly what had been hurting me on the inside.  It was clear as day and the tears flowed, for some time. 

Afterwards the clarity it brought me has allowed me to deal with these issues and tackle them head on.  I feel amazing and couldn’t be more grateful, to Tara and those wonderful magic mushrooms. 

Thank you Tara.  You are equally magical.”

- Craig

“I've never been clearer on my direction in life because the mushrooms opened up my mind.”

Diagnosis: Low Self Esteem

“For years I hid the lack of confidence and blamed myself for the deep emptiness that consumed my life. After the mushroom experience I started to see who was important in my life and who was causing a negative shadow. The mushrooms allowed me to see who the person was along, hiding cowardly in the shadows, inflicting pain on my existence. That person was responsible for tearing my confidence to shreds and destroying relationships that I held dear.

I've never been clearer on my direction in life because the mushrooms opened up my mind.

Tara has been my spiritual teacher during the days that I needed someone to help guide me. I trusted her with this and I was skeptical about but I couldn’t have made a better choice.

I experienced Psilocybin mushrooms for the first time under the guidance of Tara. She set up a space that made me so relaxed and comfortable. After a four hour experience with the mushrooms I finally felt centered. I felt the passion from Tara right from start to finish.

- Ron

Since September 2017 she healed me, and since then.... I'm no longer afraid to go to sleep…”

Diagnosis: “Suicide Headaches”/Cluster Headaches

“The biggest reason I shared my story publicly and keep doing so, is because really the cure (now with information) is relatively simple, and the pain these people endure is so go horrible. They call them Suicide headaches because there are people who cannot experience such severe physical punishment and take their own life in order to end pain….

I feel very sorry for my family, and my wife, and the people who have come to see me in this condition, because there is nothing to do, and I imagine the helplessness they must feel, because I feel it too... researching the internet, I got to know the psilocybin. Since September 2017 she healed me, and since then.... I'm no longer afraid to go to sleep....”

- David

See his full story here

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