What is Psilocybin?
“Psychedelics can help the mind cope with those deep-held, often repressed traumas, which in turn allows the body to heal itself.
“It’s only Western medicine that separates the mind from the body.”
- Gabor Matè MD
Psilocybin, the active ingredient in ‘magic mushrooms’ has been shown in clinical studies to be one of the most effective psychedelics for the management of conditions such as treatment-resistant depression, various forms of anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. Psilocybin can facilitate enormous positive and lasting healing within individuals, as well as unlocking creative and spiritual potential.
Psilocybin has been used as a healing mechanism for mental and spiritual introspection for thousands of years; An effective tool for ancient civilizations in their spiritual, healing ceremonies.
In North America, Harvard professor, Ram Dass began studying and experimenting with these mushrooms since the 60’s and on going studies continue to be conducted at Johns Hopkins, Harvards and other well renowned Universities, as a treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD and so many other mental illnesses, with overwhelming success. Trial groups treated with psilocybin, left feeling a greater sense of self and a more positive outlook of life, in as little as 1 dose, lasting anywhere from 1 – 3 years.*
As Psilocybin is taking centre stage of the psychedelic movement, states such as California & Oregon have began to legalize their use. Soon we can expect their amazing healing power will make it to a Schedule II classification and we are able to better help those whom have suffer as “prisoners of their own minds”.
*Worth the trip: psychedelics as an emerging tool for psychotherapy (Harvard Study)