Helping the Future Generations
Tara Portelli Tara Portelli

Helping the Future Generations

I would like to share a very personal story, that brings tears to my eyes to write…

Last night I was on a call with my sister and she was talking a mile a minute. She was going on about how she should “have autonomy over her body and that just because she can’t manage her emotions, doesn’t mean she should be treated like an animal and injected with medications.”

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An Overall Guide on Harnessing the Power of Psilocybin for Mental Health
Tara Portelli Tara Portelli

An Overall Guide on Harnessing the Power of Psilocybin for Mental Health

As we continue to develop our understanding of mental health and well-being, we are now seeing emerging methods of recovery that are radically different from previous ways of thinking. One of the most promising approaches is the use of Psilocybin for mental health. Being one of the new front runners in the therapeutic area, Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain species of mushrooms.

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A Heartfelt Moment Unveiled, Love Whispered My Name…
Tara Portelli Tara Portelli

A Heartfelt Moment Unveiled, Love Whispered My Name…

“You are loved and supported they told me”. Tears welled up in my eyes, as I felt that love inside myself for the very first time, during my very first Psilocybin “Trip”. 

You see, I had a very difficult childhood in a family that didn’t know how to express love. Love to me, was domestic violence, addictions, sadness… and I spent most of my childhood curled up in the fetal position with my hands covering my ears, trying to block out the smashing of glass, the banging and fighting just to get a little sleep.

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