David’s Story...

“The biggest reason I shared my story publicly and keep doing so, is because really the cure (now with information) is relatively simple, and the pain these people endure is so go horrible. They call them Suicide headaches because there are people who cannot experience such severe physical punishment and take their own life in order to end pain.

I have helped a lot of people with their dosing of psilocybin. During these 4 years since I have healed, they have also healed. I don't want anything from them and I supply nothing, other than the knowledge I gained while healing and helping others.

I have happily for the last 2 years, have supported at least 1 or 2 people per week; in Mexico, Norway, Argentina, Spain, Ecuador, from a thousand places. I am not looking for recognition, or to feed my ego. I feel empathy for all those people that suffer because I too suffered MANY MANY times and the worst, IS TO BE ALONE in that situation, even if you are accompanied, you are truly alone, because no one knows what it is and no one can do anything for you.

Thank you mushroom.

Thank you psilocibin


Here's my story…

“My name is David and I'm 42, I suffered from 15 to 39, with attacks by CEFALEA IN RACIMOS (Suicide Migraine @, Cluster Headache), the attacks usually came twice a year, with one approximate length of 3 consecutive months with repetitions from 1 to 3 attacks per day, lasting at least 2 to 23 hours.

Due to lack of information, I was never diagnosed, I didn't know what happened to me or where it came from... I just accepted it, because just as it came from, it was leaving.

The day I found the cure, reading online about a Harvard study, (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/16801660/)

simultaneously found the one responsible for my ordeal, La Headache en Racimos.

Probe of everything, regular and alternative medicine, magnets, ct scans, acupuncture, on doses of medicines to pass out..., I tried to make an account of how many episodes I've had in my life, and I already lost count on episode 26 (and by episode understood periods of 1 to 3 months, where I get attacks of 2 hr up to 23 hours straight, every day, for up to 3 consecutive months), my 23 attacks hours were attacks of approximately 1 to two and a half hours with 20 to 30 minutes of rest to keep attacking again another two hours, leave me 30 minutes and so up to 23 hours....

My condition I rate it as VERY SEVERE and when these attacks start, I need to talk to my neighbours, and explain why it is that I will be screaming every day from 11 pm to about if I'm lucky, 5 am, where already after so many repetitions of that incessant and sharp sting pain, I pass out, whether it's pain, exhaustion or overdose of medicines that are useless.

I already tried all the medicines, all the therapies, all the doctors, acupuncture, wires in my head... I've been with the attacks inside a machine while getting CT scans, and I have nothing.... I've tried chiropractors, massages therapeutic, relaxing, improving diet cut this or the other, stop going to work,..... yes also, I tried magnets, Bach flowers, Triptamines, 1 jar of tramadol a day for months, anticholinergic treatments, cold water showers, hot water showers, ice, towel rolled up on neck, induce puke, hit my head against the wall, whatever to find relief, and everything you can imagine, and NOTHING WORKS, I do, is to seek the strongest medicine, and over dosing with it to seek to pass out for a few hours, and that THE BEAST no longer attacking me.

Imagine an ordinary day you wake up in the middle of the night feeling your eye drill. Literally. No metaphors. As if they slowly introduced a hot metal rod into your eye until you touch your head and then cruelly moved it. The worst nightmare on a painful level you could imagine

For that is the headache in bunches also known as a cluster headache or suicide disease \, because many of those affected take their own life when they feel unable to handle pain, it is perhaps the most hurtful affliction that a person can endure before of losing consciousness.

Medical literature describes headache pain in bunches as one of the most intense human beings can experience, before losing consciousness. even more than a gunshot wound or suffering from amputation of a member without anesthesia.

Women suffering from this disease refer to pain being more intense than labor. It is estimated to be between 100 times more intense than a migraine.

If I can see how in ancient times, people with the same condition as mine maybe killed or sacrificed, really thinking they were possessed, there is no explanation for this pain, to which science describes as the most intense pain can experience a human being, without losing consciousness. When I'm falling prey to attacks, lego think about that, or that I'm paying some Karma from past lives.... it's really not nice at all.

I feel very sorry for my family, and my wife, and the people who have come to see me in this condition, because there is nothing to do, and I imagine the helplessness they must feel, because I feel it too... researching the internet, I got to know the psilocybin. Since September 2017 she healed me, and since then.... I'm no longer afraid to go to sleep....”

— David