Tara’s Story...

“Here we are… in this beautiful and mysterious land that lays on the eastern side of a Southern peninsula of Mexico, spilling into the Caribbean Sea. The cobalt waters and white sand beaches are speckled with limestone cliffs, giving this landscape a rugged yet magical feeling that cannot be expressed in words or pictures. Looking around I see palm trees feather the beaches so effortlessly, moving in and out like the oceans waves against the shore. Birds sore in the sky almost as if in a rhythmic unity, to this picturesque landscape; as if your experiencing an orchestra playing the most chilling ballad. 

I have waited months to be back in this land…to further my healing and others, through traditional healing ceremonies and gifts that continue to show up for me; almost as if they are offerings presenting themselves. 


I have contemplated in my writing expressing the one tool, above all else that has truly offered me the greatest healing but how can I not share my true journey; in the case that it can help you or someone you know from their suffering. 

Rewinding back to my solo journey to Tulum, Mexico to heal…

It was 4 days into my trip when I was walking along the beach taking photos with my Camera, trying to capture the beauty of this place through photography. Out of the corner of my eye I see this kiteboarder performing the most incredible tricks, I was awe struck and felt a desire to take photos of moves I have never been witness too. My pictures where so amazing, I felt an overwhelming urge to get them to this person. I sat down on the beach and tried to make eye contact…hoping that they would see me and come to talk to me. Sure enough he came sliding in on his board after seeing that I was taking photos of him. We exchanged emails and I met him the next day to discuss this incredible beach town, for a magazine article I was asked to write. I met this man at his tourism business in downtown Tulum. He shared so much knowledge about the area and also expressed that he felt our meeting was very coincidental; my blog name and the fact that mushrooms had healed him from Cluster Headaches, also known as “suicide headaches”. These headaches, lasting anywhere from 3 hours to 3 months, leaving its victims completely helpless and in unfathomable pain; Some that have suffered have even gone as far as to take their own lives, in an act of desperation. He shared with me his powerful story of suffering and healing: 

I am 41 years old, and suffered from 15 to 39, with annual attacks of approximately 3 consecutive months with 1 to 3 attacks per day from 2 to 23 hours. I tried everything, regular and alternative medicine, magnets, tomography, acupuncture, about doses of medications to pass out …, and I tried to make an account of how many episodes I’ve had in my life, and I already lost count in episode number 26 ( and by an episode I mean periods of 1 to 3 months, where they give me attacks of 2 hr up to 23 hours in a row, every day, for up to 3 consecutive months), I describe my condition as VERY SEVERE and when these attacks begin, I need to speak with my neighbors, and explain why I am going to be screaming every day from 11 pm until more or less if I am lucky, 5 am, where after so many repetitions of that incessant and sharp stabbing pain, I faint, already be it pain, exhaustion or overdose of medications that are useless…

banging my head against the wall, anything to find relief, and everything you can imagine, and NOTHING WORKS, whatever I do, is to look for the strongest medicine, and to dose myself with it to seek to pass out for a few hours, and that THE BEAST no longer attacks me…

 Researching on the internet, I got to know psilocybin. Since September 2017 she cured me, and since then … I am no longer afraid of going to sleep - David

Psilocybin Cubensis, is the strain of mushrooms that healed him of these headaches in which he suffered with for 24 years. He pointed me in the right direction to be gifted these mushrooms, as a very sacred tool used for many healing ceremonies around Mexico. I was instructed on how to take them, in a relaxed, peaceful and comfortable place (after all I was here to heal, wasn’t I?). I was told to trust and just let the mushroom guide me to the healing that I required and that it did. I wasn’t so easily persuaded. As someone who does not take any psychoactive substances, yet alone on a beach in Mexico by myself. After days of contemplation I finally let go of my fear and trusted this man; as someone who I now understand was meant to show me this healing. 

As I sat on the most incredible beach I had ever stepped foot on, settling comfortably on a beach pillow, with echoes of the oceans waves, crashing against the shore – I began my dose. Slowly, I endured the most beautiful, incredible and transformational experience I could ever have imagined. It took me through my life like a slide show in my mind, offering me messages about the people that had shown up and people that I had let go of. I grieved loss, trauma, I found my truth and began to understand the meaning behind my human existence. I received messages about someone I had blocked out of my life only the day before, advising me that they needed my help. To my amazement, this person was on the verge of suicide and I was the last person he had to reach out too. This confirming to me that this is not just any hallucinogenic experience but in fact a connection with greater forces, who guide us. 

The feeling that I had afterwards, gives me goosebumps as I write this. The most peace I could ever have experienced. A sense of self, of knowing, of being in this world without worry. The release of fears and the healing of scars I buried deep within, as a act of survival; little did I know that they crippled me. 

I haven’t always known what I believed. After various encounters with mediums, telling me things about myself they could not possibly know….I started to open up my mind to these possibilities. 

This isn’t just some hippie dippy mushroom, used as a party drug. It was never intended to be used in that way but instead, as a healing mechanism for mental and spiritual introspection; incorporated by ancient civilizations helping them in their healing ceremonies. Some theories even linking their use to the advancement of their intelligence. In the Western world, these mushrooms have been illegal and frowned upon as a schedule I drug. However, Harvard professors, such as Ram Dass have been studying and experimenting with these mushrooms since the 60’s. On going studies are still being conducted at this very prestigious University, as a treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD and so many other mental illnesses, with overwhelming success (1). Trial groups treated with psylicibian, leave feeling a greater sense of self and a more positive outlook of life, in as little as 1 dose, lasting anywhere from 1 – 3 years. The current classification of these fungi won’t last long, as these studies continue to provide compelling results. Soon we can expect their amazing healing power will make it to a Schedule II classification and we are able to better help those whom have become prisoners of their own minds. For now, we must travel to Mexico and be guided … as it is not easy to come by – what is meant to be will be.” 

- Tara

See David’s full story here


  1. http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/worth-the-trip-psychedelics-as-an-emerging-tool-for-psychotherapy/

— Quote Source