

Dec 7 -10th 2023

4:00pm - 5:3pm PST/7:00pm - 8:30pm EST

Reprogram your mind; Your path to loving yourself and living the life you want.

Join me, Tara Portelli CCh, CNHP, CHN (Certified Clinical Hynotist, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Certified Holistic Nutritionist) as I take you through a journey of self love, acceptance and stepping into your power like never before. When we connect with our higher self and heal the self that we have rejected, magical shifts can truly happen for us.

I use the power of guided mediation, shadow work and hypnosis to help you change from the inside, out.

I have helped hundreds of people transform their lives for the better and now I want to spread this healing even further to the world.

See my testimonials here:


Not only have I done this practise and shift for myself to manifest the life, I have dreamed of but I have done it for many clients and private coaching clients.

The Workshop
Through the power of guided meditation and hypnosis, I invite you to meet your sacred self and to heal the aspects of you that you have not accepted. By going through this process, we can begin a reprogramming of limiting sub conscious beliefs. you will begin to tap into self love and being to cultivate empowerment. within. Here, you can begin to create all the things that you want too manifest into your life.

DAY 1: Sacred self

Meet your sacred self, the devine version of you that you are on your path to align with. Connecting with this part of you, helps you see what is truly available and how it feels to be there. As we use our mind to connect with the higher self, you will slowly shift into your power. This is self without limits, who believes, loves and leads a life without fear.

Day 2: The Shadow

We all have a shadow, that part of our being we struggle to accept. As we meet the shadow from a compassionate and loving place, we start the process of fully loving and accepting ourself. It is from this place we can begin to attract the right people and things into our life, to have a truly Devine experience.

Day 3: Aspects of self

We carry many selves. They show up for us out of protection, out of the seeking of validation or as just a part of our personality we have been taught to have. As we heal these aspects of ourself, we begin to live life from a more authentic and empowered place. Offering love and acceptance with healthy boundaries. The path to true love for oneself, begins here.

Day 4: Getting clear on what you want

We all have dreams and visions for our life, here we get clear on those. We go on a magic carpet ride within a hypnotic state. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for reprogramming old limiting beliefs and helping to banish fear or anything that keeps you stuck. As you create a reality within that we can begin to cultivate and create our external reality.
Using a self hypnosis technique, you will be start to feel a real shift in your inner landscape.

Price until Nov 30th.

LIVE Workshop only: $122
LIVE & Recordings: $155

After Nov 30th.

LIVE Workshop only: $222
LIVE & Recordings: $255